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Define Workflow Parameters

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Defining Workflow Parameters allows you to set certain parameters of Workflow and facilitates you to change values in Workflow without Un-Publishing and editing the respective Workflow.


Understanding toolbar of Workflow Parameters:


1. Actions Group:


Add Parameter: This option will allow you to add new parameter to the selected Workflow.


Delete Selected: This option will delete the selected parameter.
Update Selected: This option will update the changes made to the workflow parameters and you will be able to view a successful message, once the parameters are successfully updated.


2. Options Group:


Encrypt Values: This option will allow you to secure the Workflow Parameter by encrypting it. Once you encrypt the Workflow Parameter by selecting Encrypt Values state button, caption of button will change to Decrypt Values.



Workflow Parameter encryption will also be supported while you Load Workflow From File and also while you Save Workflow To File.


Export: This option will allow you to export the workflow parameters in an excel file.


Close: This option allows you to close the window.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink


Adding new Workflow Parameter:


To add a new workflow parameter, you need to follow below mentioned steps:


1. Click on Add Parameter button to add new parameter.


2. As you click on Add Parameter button, bottom panel will be enabled.


3. Now enter Parameter Name under respective column in the available textbox.


4. Select the type of Parameter from the drop-down list. Options available in the Parameter Type drop-down list are mentioned below:




5. Thereafter based on the selected Parameter Type, set the parameter values under respective column.


6. Once you are done with defining Parameter Values, click on Update Selected button to update the details.


7. To close the window, click on Close button and exit the screen.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink