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Document Security

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Document Security allows you to Add/Edit security settings for a Document Type. The Document Security settings are available under the Security Configuration tab as shown below:


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Groups/Users allowed to add documents of this type: User(s) added to this list will be allowed to add document(s) to the current Document Type.
Groups/Users allowed to edit metadata associated with documents of this type: User(s) added to this list will be allowed to edit the values of the Profile Fields related to the current Document Type.
Groups/Users allowed to view documents of this type: User(s) added to this list will be allowed to view the attached document(s) for the current Document Type.
Groups/Users allowed to delete documents of this type: User(s) added to this list will be allowed to delete the attached document(s) for the current Document Type.
Groups/Users allowed to edit content for documents of this document type: User(s) added to this list will be allowed to edit the content of the document(s) belonging to this Document Type.