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Feature Parity Between Windows & Web

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Depending on the user interface, there is anywhere a 5% to 10% difference between the PaperSave Windows and Web Client. Below table narrates the differences between Windows and Web Client for most of the PaperSave User Interfaces.


1. Add Document Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Acquisition related Features

Existence of Acquisition Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to choose a Document Type

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set the selected Document Type as the Default Document Type

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Acquiring using ScanNowTM

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Acquiring using ScanLaterTM

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Acquiring using Attach File

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Setting Default Acquisition Method

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

In Windows, resetting the default acquisition is done from the Options ribbon whereas in Web it is done by setting the Default Acquisition drop down value to None.

Add document to a Workflow at the same time as adding the document to a host record (Workflow 1 & 2)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to apply Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Saving the acquired document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Editing related Features

Existence of Edit Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to rotate the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Mirror image of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to delete a Page

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Save Confirmation

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Save & Exit the window directly upon document acquisition

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view a prompt asking to add another document on click of Save button

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Add Document Form on the top of all the other windows

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to copy the URL and share it with other users

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

ScanNow Settings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Add Document form on the top of other windows (Show on Top)

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to add Current Profile Fields as Template

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to edit the Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Help & Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Hidden Features

Ability to drag and drop the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Thumb Nail Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to rotate and delete page upon right click on Thumb Nail

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Preview Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Clarity in viewing PDF Document under Document Preview Panel is better in Windows in comparison to Web.

Status Bar

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to rename the file from Status Bar

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to Next Document from Status Bar

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.


2. Document Display Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Document Display Methods

Existence of Home Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Zoom In/Out

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to rotate the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to view Mirror image of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document type is .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to zoom a particular area of document (Dynamic Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to highlight a certain area in the document for better readability (Marquee Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view document in its actual size (Actual Size)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to adjust the display of the document as per your screen size (Fit Visible)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set width/height of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set the zooming level of the document (Custom Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to email the URL (using Email Link button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Version Controlling Methods

Ability to check in the changes made to the document (using Check In button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to check out and make changes in the document (using Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to undo all the changes made to the document after the latest check-out (using Undo Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view the history of check-in operations made to the document (using Show History button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add Current Profile Fields as Template

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to apply Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the changes

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Editing Methods

Existence of Navigation & Edit Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to previous/next document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is available under Home tab.

Ability to navigate to first/previous/next/last page of the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Page Navigation Group will only be displayed if the selected document’s type is either .tiff, .pdf, .docx, or .pptx and if consists of multiple pages.

Ability to view single page of the document in the display area using Single Page option

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view all the pages of the document by scrolling in the display area using Continuous Scroll

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to split the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add pages from Scanner/File

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to replace the content of the selected document by replacing the document with other document (using Replace Content button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open document in its native viewer

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this functionality is available in a different manner. Under Options tab, Open in Windows Client option is available that allows you to open the selected document in windows based Document Display interface. From there you have the ability to open the document in its native viewer and edit the content of the document.

Ability to copy the URL and share it with other users (using Copy Link button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to select the annotation applied in the current document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to use miscellaneous Annotation options

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, these Annotation Options are only available for .pdf file formats.

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to configure Annotation properties

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to remember/save the Layout

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open Document Explorer form

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Associated Documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to automatically save the changes made to the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save Workflow history

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to view Audit Log details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to edit the Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view all the comments

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Help & Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Hidden Features

Ability to update content of documents for below mentioned file formats:


Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, you can update the content of all types of documents by clicking Open in Windows Client button under Options tab.

Document Preview Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Clarity in viewing PDF Document under Document Preview Panel is better in Windows in comparison to Web.

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.


3. Document Explorer Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Document Operations Methods

Existence of Document Explorer Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to delete documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Associated documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Regenerate Coversheet

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to refresh the list of documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to email the URL (using Email Link button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the current customized view of the grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Saved Views Group and its options are not available.

Ability to apply the saved view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to delete/reset the view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Version Controlling Methods

Ability to check in the changes made to the document (using Check In button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to check out and make changes in the document (using Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to undo all the changes made to the document after the latest check-out (using Undo Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view the history of check-in operations made to the document (using Show History button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce document with Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce Continuous TIFF as Single TIFF File

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to update one or more profile field values for multiple documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to copy the URL and share it with other users (using Copy Link button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to directly open Minified Document Explorer within the same browser by copying the URL and sharing it with other users (using Copy Link for Embedding button)

Wrong Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, this option is not available.

Ability to Show/Hide Filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Groupings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set columns

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Export the document list to an excel file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Records Paging in Grid

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Help & Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


4. Multiple Document Explorer Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Document Operations Methods

Existence of Document Explorer Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to delete the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to refresh the list of documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to email the URL (using Email Link button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the current customized view of the grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Saved Views Group and its options are not available.

Ability to apply the saved view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to delete/reset the view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce document with Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce Continuous TIFF as Single TIFF File

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to update one or more profile field values for multiple documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Groupings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set columns

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Export the document list to an excel file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Help & Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


5. Search Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Search Operations

Available Search Types:

1. Simple Search

2. Advanced Search

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For Simple Search, ability to search in Record Information/ Document Profile/ Content

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For Simple Search, ability to include External Document Types

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For Advanced Search, ability to search using Host Application, Module, Transaction Type and Document Type

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For Advanced Search, ability to add advanced search filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Existence of Search Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to delete the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to refresh the list of documents

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to Print/Save/Email the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to email the URL (using Email Link button)

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to save the current customized view of the grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Saved Views Group and its options are not available.

Ability to apply the saved view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to delete/reset the view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce document with Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce Continuous TIFF as Single TIFF File

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to Show/Hide Filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Groupings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set columns

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Export the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to select the Company

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to include Non-Associated Workflow Items

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to include completed Workflow Items

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Help & Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


6. PaperSave Desktop (Record Browser) Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Document Operation Methods

Existence of Home Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to refresh the list of documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to print Coversheet

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Associated documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to copy the Transaction Data Link for the selected record and share it with other users

Wrong Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, this option is not available.

Ability to open PaperSave Search form (using Search button)

Wrong Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, this option is not available. However, for PaperSave Windows based application, you can open the Search form from PaperSave Desktop’s Run-Time window.

Ability to save the current customized view of the grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Saved Views Group and its options are not available.

Ability to apply the saved view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to delete/reset the view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Miscellaneous Options

Existence of Options Tab in Ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce document with Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reproduce Continuous TIFF as Single TIFF File

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to Show/Hide Filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is available under Home Tab.

Ability to Show/Hide Groupings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Export the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print the grid

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to enable/disable the display of Hierarchical Data

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to collapse the pane structure

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to expand the pane structure

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Records Paging in Grid

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Help and Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


7. PaperSave Workflow Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Workflow Item Operation Methods

Existence of Home Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to filter workflow items based on Workflow Type, Workflow Queue/Workflow, Workflow State/Step

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Refresh the workflow items list

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to previous/next document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Review a document and move it to next level

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Zoom In/Out

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to rotate the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to view Mirror image of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document type is .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to zoom a particular area of document (Dynamic Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to highlight a certain area in the document for better readability (Marquee Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view document in its actual size (Actual Size)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to adjust the display of the document as per your screen size (Fit Visible)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set width/height of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set the zooming level of the document (Custom Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email/Delete the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the changes

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to apply Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Editing Methods

Existence of Annotations Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to select the annotation applied in the current document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to use miscellaneous Annotation options

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, these Annotation Options are only available for .pdf file formats.

Ability to configure Annotation properties

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Existence of Actions & Navigation Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to first/previous/next/last page of the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Page Navigation Group will only be displayed if the selected document’s type is either .tiff, .pdf, .docx, or .pptx and if consists of multiple pages.

Ability to view the document in single page without a scroll in document viewer area (using Single Page button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Single Page button will be available in the ribbon only if, the selected document is .pdf type.

Ability to view the document with a continuous scroll in document viewer area (using Continuous Scroll button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Continuous Scroll button will be available in the ribbon only if, the selected document is .pdf type.

Ability to split a file into two different files

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add pages from scanner

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add pages from file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to replace the content of the selected document by replacing the document with other document (using Replace Content button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open document in its native viewer

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available. However, you can use the Save option under the Home tab of the ribbon to download the file.  Most browsers will let you open a downloaded file immediately (IE allows you to do this) which will prompt the file to open in its native viewer.

Ability to view Associated Documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to move the document to another Workflow/ Queue

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the step/state of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Version Controlling Methods

Ability to check in the changes made to the document (using Check In button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to check out and make changes in the document (using Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to undo all the changes made to the document after the latest check-out (using Undo Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view the history of check-in operations made to the document (using Show History button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the current customized view of the grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Saved Views Group and its options are not available.

Ability to apply the saved view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to delete/reset the view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Groupings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set columns

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to remember/save the Layout

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Resubmit the document to selected queue

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to view a prompt asking to add a comment whenever a document is approved/rejected

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to print Continuous TIFF as Single TIFF File

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to automatically save the changes made to the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Workflow User details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to export the document list to an excel file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the workflow history in an HTML file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view all the comments that are added for the selected Workflow Item

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view hidden fields

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Audit Log details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the owner of the step

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add Current Profile Fields as Template

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to edit the templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reset default drag & drop submission type answer

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Ability to view only those items for which you are specifically responsible

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability To Show/Hide completed items

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the layout of grids (using Change Layout button)

Wrong Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, this option is not available.

Help and Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Hidden Features

Ability to drag and drop the document in the Workflow Item grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this functionality is not available.

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Thumb Nail Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to rotate and delete page upon right click on Thumb Nail

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Preview Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Clarity in viewing PDF Document under Document Preview Panel is better in Windows in comparison to Web.

Status Bar

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Conversation Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Workflow Item History Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Profile Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


8. Workflow Entry Viewer Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Workflow Items Operation Methods

Existence of Home Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to filter workflow items based on Workflow and Queue

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Refresh the Workflow Item list

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to previous/next workflow item

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to load next ‘X’ no. of documents in the grid

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to review a workflow item and move it to next level

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Zoom In/Out

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to rotate the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to view Mirror image of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document type is .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to zoom a particular area of document (Dynamic Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to highlight a certain area in the document for better readability (Marquee Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view document in its actual size (Actual Size)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to adjust the display of the document as per your screen size (Fit Visible)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set width/height of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set the zooming level of the document (Custom Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email/Delete the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the changes

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to apply Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Editing Methods

Existence of Annotations Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to select the annotation applied in the current document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to use miscellaneous Annotation options

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, these Annotation Options are only available for .pdf file formats.

Ability to configure Annotation properties

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Existence of Actions & Navigation Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to first/previous/next/last page of the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Page Navigation Group will only be displayed if the selected document’s type is either .tiff or .pdf and if consists of multiple pages.

Ability to view the document in single page without a scroll in document viewer area (using Single Page button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Single Page button will be available in the ribbon only if, the selected document is .pdf type.

Ability to view the document with a continuous scroll in document viewer area (using Continuous Scroll button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Continuous Scroll button will be available in the ribbon only if, the selected document is .pdf type.

Ability to join previous/next TIFF or PDF file with the current TIFF or PDF file that appears in the sequence

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to split a file into two different files

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add pages from scanner

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add pages from file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to replace the content of the selected document by replacing the document with other document (using Replace Content button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to open document in its native viewer

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available. However, you can use the Save option under the Home tab of the ribbon to download the file.  Most browsers will let you open a downloaded file immediately (IE allows you to do this) which will prompt the file to open in its native viewer.

Ability to view Associated Documents

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to move the document to another Workflow/ Queue

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the step/state of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Version Controlling Methods

Ability to check in the changes made to the document (using Check In button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to check out and make changes in the document (using Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to undo all the changes made to the document after the latest check-out (using Undo Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view the history of check-in operations made to the document (using Show History button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the current customized view of the grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Saved Views Group and its options are not available.

Ability to apply the saved view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to delete/reset the view

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Groupings

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Filters

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set columns

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to remember/save the Layout

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view a prompt asking to add a comment whenever a document is approved/rejected

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view a prompt asking you to add the document that is open in Workflow Entry Viewer to the Host Application

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to automatically save the changes made to the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Workflow User details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to export the document list to an excel file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view all the comments that are added for the selected Workflow Item

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the workflow history in an HTML file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view hidden fields

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Audit Log details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the owner of the step

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add Current Profile Fields as Template

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to edit the templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to reset default drag & drop submission type answer

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.

Help and Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Hidden Features



Ability to drag and drop the document in the Workflow Item grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this functionality is not available.

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Thumb Nail Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to rotate and delete page upon right click on Thumb Nail

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Preview Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Clarity in viewing PDF Document under Document Preview Panel is better in Windows in comparison to Web.

Status Bar

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Conversation Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Workflow Item History Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Profile Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


8. Workflow Item Review Form



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Workflow Items Operation Methods

Existence of Home Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to review a workflow item and move it to next level

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Zoom In/Out

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to rotate the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to view Mirror image of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document type is .tiff, .jpg, .gif and .bmp.

Ability to zoom a particular area of document (Dynamic Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

This option will be visible only if the selected document’s type is .pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx.

Ability to highlight a certain area in the document for better readability (Marquee Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view document in its actual size (Actual Size)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to adjust the display of the document as per your screen size (Fit Visible)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set width/height of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to set the zooming level of the document (Custom Zoom)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Print/Save/Email/Delete the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the changes

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to apply Profile Field Templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Editing Methods

Existence of Annotations Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to Show/Hide Annotations

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to select the annotation applied in the current document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to use miscellaneous Annotation options

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Web, these Annotation Options are only available for .pdf file formats.

Ability to configure Annotation properties

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Existence of Actions & Navigation Tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to navigate to first/previous/next/last page of the selected document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Page Navigation Group will only be displayed if the selected document’s type is either .tiff or .pdf and if consists of multiple pages.

Ability to view the document in single page without a scroll in document viewer area (using Single Page button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Single Page button will be available in the ribbon only if, the selected document is .pdf type.

Ability to view the document with a continuous scroll in document viewer area (using Continuous Scroll button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Continuous Scroll button will be available in the ribbon only if, the selected document is .pdf type.

Version Controlling Methods

Ability to check in the changes made to the document (using Check In button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to check out and make changes in the document (using Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to undo all the changes made to the document after the latest check-out (using Undo Check Out button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view the history of check-in operations made to the document (using Show History button)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to move the document to another Workflow/ Queue

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the step/state of the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Miscellaneous Settings

Existence of Options tab in the ribbon

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to remember/save the Layout

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view a prompt asking to add a comment whenever a document is approved/rejected

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to automatically save the changes made to the document

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Workflow User details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view all the comments that are added for the selected Workflow Item

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to save the workflow history in an HTML file

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view hidden fields

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to view Audit Log details

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to change the owner of the step

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to add Current Profile Fields as Template

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to edit the templates

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Help and Support

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Hidden Features



Ability to drag and drop the document in the Workflow Item grid

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this functionality is not available.

Ability to create customized Toolbar (Quick Access Toolbar)

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, you have the facility to keep the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, whereas for PaperSave Web, Quick Access Toolbar will be available above the ribbon only.
For PaperSave Web, drop-down type options cannot be added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Thumb Nail Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to rotate and delete page upon right click on Thumb Nail

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Preview Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Clarity in viewing PDF Document under Document Preview Panel is better in Windows in comparison to Web.

Status Bar

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Conversation Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Workflow Item History Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Document Profile Panel

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol


9. Query Related Features



Available in Windows

Available in Web


Ability to add documents from Query

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to show documents from Query

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Ability to print documents from Query

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Create a single document for each selected document type using default profile values

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Create all possible document for each document type using all possible profile values

Wrong Symbol

Tick Symbol

For PaperSave Windows, this option is not available.

Set the field values for the selected document type

Tick Symbol

Tick Symbol

Two Printing Options are available:
1. Print Multiple Pages
2. Print Single Page

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, Printing Options are not available.

Show Missing Field

Tick Symbol

Wrong Symbol

For PaperSave Web, this option is not available.