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Multiple Document Display - Options Tab

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The Options tab has the "Annotations Options" group and "Other Options" group which provide options for configuring settings of Annotations, showing the Document Explorer window and Associated documents.


multi doc dis-options.zoom65
Click on image to magnify/shrink


Annotation Options Group: Click here to understand Annotation Options.


The Annotation properties of dialog boxes are changeable as per the document format.



The GUI of all these options in this group will change depending on the format of the file selected.


Other Options Group:


The graphical tools including the Icon will be changed as per the document format.


1. Remember Layout: If you have made any changes to the layout of the window i.e. adjusted the position of various panes, then clicking this option will display the same layout when you open the application in the future saving you time when adjusting those panes again.


2. Show Document Explorer: This option will open the Document Explorer window.



This option is only enabled when there is only one document attached to the selected transaction type.


3. Show Associated Documents: This option will open the Multiple Document Explorer window and display the associated documents.


4. Auto Save: Selecting this option will save the changes made on the document automatically. If this option is not selected, a message will be displayed while closing the window asking whether to save the changes made in the document or not.


5. Save Workflow History: This option will save Workflow history in an HTML file.


6. Audit Trail: This option is used to view Audit Log Details for the selected Workflow Item. Click here to know more about Audit Trail.


7. Edit User Templates: This option allows you to edit the global templates along with the templates created by you using PaperSave Workflow.