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Shortcut Keys for PaperSave Workflow

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The following Short cut keys can be used in PaperSave Workflow Window.


Short cut Key


Ctrl + D

Move focus on first control of document profile section

Alt + H + S2

Save document and back to focus on grid

Ctrl + P

Print document

Ctrl + E

Email document

Ctrl + Q

Move focus on Workflow Item grid

Alt + H + D2

Delete Document

Ctrl + Alt + D

Pin, Unpin document profile control

Ctrl + Alt + W

Pin, Unpin Workflow Item History

Ctrl + Alt + C

Pin, Unpin Conversation Panel

Ctrl + Alt + T

Pin, Unpin Thumbnail Panel

Ctrl + Alt + Q

Pin, Unpin Workflow Item Grid

Ctrl + M

It is used for open multi document window

Altr + LeftArrow

It will go to next document in Document Display

Altr + RightArrow

It will go to previous document in Document Display

Alt + H + Z1

Zoom In

Alt + H + M1

Zoom Out

Alt + H + T

Rotate left

Alt + H + I

Rotate Right

Alt + H + M2


Alt + H + Y

Dynamic Zoom

Alt + H + Q

Marquee Zoom

Alt + H + S1

Actual Size

Alt + H + B

Fit Visible

Alt + H + W

Fit Width

Alt + H + G

Fit Height

Alt + H + Z2

Custom Zoom



When we set the focus in Office content file(eDraw Office component), the above mentioned shortcut keys doesn't work. Up and Down Arrow keys work on Workflow Item and document grids.