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Understanding Source of Document Association

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PaperSave gives you the ability to identify the multiple Host Records that are associated with the same document having same content.



This functionality will only work when you open Associated Documents from Document Display user interface.


Moreover, you will be able to view a new column named Association Type in the grid which would have below mentioned values based on the type of association:


Host Based: Here, association is done based on pre-defined Host Application Association values from Multi-Association.
Transaction Type Based: Here, association is done based on pre-defined/user defined Transaction Type Mapped Association values from Multi Association.
Document Type Based: Here, association is done based on user defined Document Type (dependent on Profile Field values) Mapped Association values from Multi Association.
Content Based: Here, association is done based on Content, that means when a document is added to multiple records at the same time for the same Document Type.


You can add the same document to multiple records of a Host Application at the same time from Records Browser and External Saving forms.


Let us understand this functionality in a better way by following below given steps:


1. Open PaperSave Desktop form, select Host Application (Student Information System) and respective Transaction Type.


2. Then select multiple records for which you want to add the document.


3. Once you have added the document, open the Host Application and search for one the records to which the document was added from Records Browser.


4. Then click Show Document(s) option available in the left panel of the screen.


5. Document Explorer window will open. Now select the document and click Open Selected button to open the document in Document display window as displayed below. Now click Show Associated Documents button available under Options tab.


118. doc display.zoom65
Click on image to magnify/shrink


6. Multiple Document Explorer window will open as displayed below. You can view the no. of records that are associated with the selected document. You will also view a column named Association Type which will show you the type of association between the record and the document.


The no. of records that has Association Type as Content Association signifies that those host records shares the same content of the document.


119. multi doc.zoom65
Click on image to magnify/shrink


You can perform same steps using External Savings form as well.