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Understanding Ribbon

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Let us understand all the options available in the ribbon.


1. script7.zoom75
Click on image to magnify/shrink


1. Global Script Group:


Add: This option will allow you to add new Global Script.


Edit: This option will allow you to edit the Global Script.


Save: This option will allow you to save or update the Global Script:


Delete: This option will allow you to delete the selected Global Script.


Cancel: This option will allow you to cancel the current action.


2. Script Options Group:


Import: This option will allow you to import the available Global Script in .PSSCRIPT format from your machine to PaperSave Settings.



While importing Scripts, if the script already exists in the system, then system will skip importing that script and you will be able to view below displayed message.


1. Script8


Export: This option will allow you to export the selected Global Script and save it on your machine in .PSSCRIPT format.


2. Script Export


3. Option Group:


Show Filters: This option will Show/Hide the filters for each column on the top of the Scrip Name in the grid.


Export: This option is used to export the scripts displayed in the grid to an Excel file.


4. Help Group: Click here for Help Menu description.