You can view different options available for PaperSave Workflow User. Let us view all the options one by one as mentioned below:
1. Add: Add option will allow you to add a new Workflow User.
2. Edit: Edit option will allow you to edit the existing Workflow User.
Note: |
You need to make sure that you select the Workflow User before clicking on Edit option. |
3. Save: Save option will allow you to save the newly created Workflow User.
Note: |
Caption of Save option will get changed to Update while you are editing an existing Workflow User. In that case you need to click on Update option to update the Workflow User. |
4. Delete: Delete option will allow you to delete an existing Workflow User.
Note: |
You will not be allowed to delete the Workflow User if the selected Workflow User is set as the forward owner of any other Workflow User or if any Workflow Item exists for that user. |
5. Cancel: Cancel option will allow you to cancel the current action and get back to previous action.
6. Import From Group: Import From Group option allows to import the group of users and add them as Workflow User. Click here to know more about Import From Group.
7. Import From File: Import From File option allows you to import the Workflow Users from file that has been saved at a desired location in .pswfusr format. Moreover the users that already exists as PaperSave Workflow Users will be skipped while importing the users from file.
8. Update Tags On Import: Update Tags On Import option will override the existing tags of Workflow User with the tag names that exist in the file that has been imported using Import From File option. By default this option will be selected as displayed in below screen.
9. Export Visible To File: Export Visible to File option allows you to export the available Workflow Users at a desired location in .pswfusr format.
10. Show Filters: Show Filters option will enable the filter under Workflow User's Profile Panel and you will be allowed to filter the Workflow User using different criteria's.
11. Export: Export option will allow you to export the Workflow User in an Excel file.
12. Help Menu: Click here to get details on Help Menu options.