You need to follow below given steps to add a new profile field to the selected Document Type.
Note: |
You cannot change the Type or Display Type once the Profile Field has been saved. Once the Profile Field has been added and if it is being used in Documents or Workflow Items then you cannot delete that Profile Field. |
1. Go to PaperSave Settings>> Select Records Management>> Select Document Type Section.
2. Then from the tree view, select Document Type for which a new Profile Field needs to be added.
3. Select Field Configuration tab from the bottom panel of the screen and click Add Field button available on the toolbar.
4. Once you click Add Field button, bottom panel of the screen will be enabled as displayed below.
5. Description of all the fields is mentioned below:
• | Required: Checking this check box will make this profile field mandatory. You cannot Save/Add the Document or Move the Workflow Item through the Workflow until the Field is populated. A required Profile Field is displayed with an asterisk (*) before the Field Name under Document Type panel. |
• | Name: Enter the desired name of the profile field and the same will be viewed by the end user while adding the document. |
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Click here to get list of restricted keywords that cannot be used as Profile Field name. |
• | Description: This text will be shown when hovering over the Field Name; when adding a New Field, there must be a value in the Description. |
• | Type: There are five Types of Profile Fields: |
• | Date - You can select the date with the calendar provided. |
• | Number - Text values are not permitted. You can select numeric or decimal values only. |
• | String - You can select text and numeric values. |
• | Table- You can store multiple columns and rows of data. |
• | Workflow User - You can select Workflow User and click on Set Filters button to add filters for workflow user as per your requirement and view the list of only those Workflow Users while processing workflow items from PaperSave Workflow, Workflow Entry Viewer, Workflow Item Review and Add New Document window. |
• | Display Type: Values in the drop-down list for Display Type will vary based on the selected Type of Profile Field. Click Here to know more. |
• | Default Value: This allows you to set the default value for each New Document or Workflow Item. Table Type defaults are set at the Column Level. You can change the value unless restricted by Document or Profile Field Security. |
• | Check For: You can check Add LookUp checkbox if you want to add a SQL Query Lookup for the Profile Field. Define the Lookup values and security using Add lookup button. |
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6. Click Save Field button available in the toolbar to save the new field. The Update Successful message will appear which confirms that the field has been added. Click OK and exit the window.
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