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Writing an AutoEntryActivity


AutoEntryActivity is defined in the Workflow Design and works the same as AutoEntry Wizard but without any client interaction. This activity performs automatically when any document moves from an AutoEntryActivity defined workflow queue only to a Host Record.


1. From the design section, as mentioned before in "Designing a Workflow," drag the AutoEntryActivity from the toolbox and place it under an event after which you want to have an IF/Else condition as shown below:

autoentry activity.zoom80
Click on image to magnify/shrink


2. The Properties of AutoEntryActivity will appear as shown below:


autoentryactivity prop.zoom80

Click on image to view magnify and shrink print screen.


3. Enter the details for the various attributes of the Properties.


ConfigName: Provide a ConfigName for the activity in this text box.
Configuration: Click on bind to provide the configuration of the activity in this box as shown below:


AutoEntry Activity Configuration window will open.


Batch Name: Enter Batch Name in the available textbox.
Batch Posting Date: Select the Batch Posting Date. By default current date will be displayed.
Batch Checkbook ID: Enter Batch Chekbook ID.
Account Number: Enter Account Number in the available textbox.


autoentry activity property-wf1.zoom75
Click on image to magnify/shrink


TargetStateOnFailure: Click on bind or enter the target state in this box, if Workflow Item fails to associate.
TargetStateOnSuccess: Click on bind or enter the target state in this box, if Workflow Item associates.
VariableTargetStateOnFailure: Click on bind or enter the variable target state in this box. The Bind  'VariableTargetStateOnFailure' to an activity's property dialog box will open. Select the appropriate Property with which the 'VariableTargetStateonFailure' is to be bound as shown below:




VariableTargetStateOnSuccess: Click on bind or enter the variable target state in this box. The Bind 'VariableTargetStateOnSuccess' to an activity's property dialog box will open. Select the appropriate property with which the 'VariableTargetStateOnSuccess' is to be bound as shown below:

