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Workflow 1.0

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Workflows function to determine the processes of your system. The Workflows you design will ultimately determine everything from how documents move through the system to who must approve items in different states. You can think of Workflows as operational diagrams which function to direct the activities of your system. But to fully understand how this works, you must have a basic understanding of the main components of the PaperSave system. PaperSave provides various events, activities and conditions that allow you to create the appropriate Workflow(s) to follow your Business Process.


The engine used to create Workflows in PaperSave is based on the Windows Workflow Foundation. Within the Workflows you create, you’ll create different Queues. The Queues will depend on the organization of your departments and approvers for specific Items and States. So, in keeping with our “big picture” idea of how all this ties together, each Document Type will have at least one Workflow and each Workflow will contain the Queues to define its processes.


One of the most important reasons to understand the role of Document Types is that Workflows are based on Document Types and assume all Profile Fields associated with that Document Type. This helps to index the document, add metadata, and fills in the gaps of what is not automatically captured from the host. For example, to trigger a step that is automated for an invoice based on the amount, the amount must be included as a Profile Field.


PaperSave gives you the option of creating a paperless, electronic workflow for processing documents. This option is located in the PaperSave Settings and can be set up by one user, which can be accessed by many to continue the constant flow of processed documents. This allows you to effortlessly approve or reject a document and also add annotations to the documents.


Workflow 1.0 Section talks on following topics:


Creating a Workflow
Designing a Workflow
Using States & Activities
Using Workflow Templates
Saving & Publishing a Workflow
Editing a Workflow
Workflow Parameter
Workflow Queues


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