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Delete Module

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To delete a module for a Non-Host Application, you need to follow below given steps:


1. Go to PaperSave Settings>> Select Records Management>> Select Module Section.


2. Select the module that needs to be deleted for Non-Host Application and click Delete on the toolbar.


3. As you click Delete, system will ask for your confirmation and below displayed message window will open.


delete module message


4. However, in case if the Module that you are trying to delete, has related Transaction Types, SharePoint Configurations, Document Types, Workflows, Workflow Queues, Workflow Items, and Documents that has been used in some or other way, then system will prompt below displayed window and you need to provide your PaperSave Settings Password and also the reason for deleting the selected Module. Then click Confirm Delete button to perform the action.



Log of this action would be automatically generated in Audit Log irrespective of whether Audit Log Configuration is enabled or disabled. Moreover, there is no way for the user to configure Module for this action from Configuration window.


5. Once the module is successfully deleted, below displayed message will be displayed. Click OK and exit the window.



You cannot add/edit/delete a Module for the Host Applications that are integrated with PaperSave during installation.

