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Under Module section, you will be able to view list of modules that are integrated with the Host Application installed with PaperSave. You can add/edit/delete a module only if the Host Application is user defined i.e. a Non-Host Application.



You are not allowed to add/edit/delete the Host Application Modules which are pre-installed during PaperSave installation.


view modules.zoom65
Click on image to magnify/shrink


Understanding Toolbar:


1. Module: Description of all the options available under this group is mentioned below:


Add: This option allows you to add new Module for the selected Non-Host Application.
Edit: This option allows you to edit existing Module for the selected Non-Host Application.
Save/Update: This option allows you to save/update the added/edited Module for the selected Non-Host Application.
Delete: This option allows you to delete the selected Module for the respective Non-Host Application.
Cancel: This option allows you to cancel the current action.



Please take a note that, you can add/edit/delete the Modules ONLY for Non-Host Applications (Host Applications added through the PaperSave Settings are called Non-Host Applications). Therefore, Add/Edit/Save/Update/Delete buttons under Module section in the toolbar, will be visible only for Non-Host Applications and NOT for those Host Application Modules which are pre-installed during PaperSave Installation.


2. Transaction Type: You can click on Add button to add a new Transaction Type for the selected Module.


3. Help: Click here to get directed to Help section.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink


You can go through the below mentioned topics to know more about how to add/edit/delete the Module for Non-Host Applications into PaperSave:


Add Module


Edit Module


Delete Module