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Electronic Submission

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This drop point controls adding of items directly into a Workflow using Drag & Drop and External Saving (Office Add In or Windows Explorer Add In). With this new capability, administrator can control who can submit items into the Workflow through Drag & Drop and External Saving as well as have the capability to default profile field values (Drop Point Profile Template) for items created through the drop point. Supporting creating items through Drag & Drop and External Saving previously required a high level of rights on the Workflow. That is no longer necessary.


Adding Electronic Submission Drop Point type:


Main purpose of introducing Electronic Submission Drop point type is to facilitate user to add Workflow Items using Drop Point instead of directly adding to Workflow in Workflow 2.0. Now users can add Workflow Item using Electronic Submission Drop Point type from interface like Add Document, External Saving and Drag & Drop. However, Workflow Super Users, Workflow Admin and Users having Workflow Submission rights will be allowed to add Workflow Items directly to the Workflow. Moreover, user has the facility to create Profile Field template for the Electronic Submission Type Drop Point which will be helpful when a Workflow Item is added using Drop Point to the Workflow, designed in a way that it assumes some Profile Field value which is set using Profile Field Template.



In case you are upgrading PaperSave to higher version by installing PaperSave Rollup 6.0 and above, then under such scenario, PaperSave will automatically create Drop Point for each Workflow 2.0 by naming the Drop Point as Workflow Name + Electronic Submission. For example, if name of Workflow is 'Abc' then the name for the Drop Point would be 'Abc Electronic Submission'. Moreover, Who can Submit rights on Workflow will also be copied from respective Workflow to these newly created Drop Points.


To add a new Drop Point click on Add button. As you click on Add button, right panel of the screen will be enabled. Please refer to the screen displayed at the bottom of the page.


1. Drop Point Name: Enter the name of the Drop Point in the available textbox.


2. Drop Point Type: Select the Drop Point type as Electronic Submission from the drop-down list.


3. Who can Submit: This option allows you to assign rights to users who can submit items from Add Document window, External Saving window and using Drag & Drop for the respective drop points. You can add the user using either of two options; From Workflow User and From Workflow Security.



You are allowed to assign submit rights to multiple users for a single drop point.
Workflow Submission rights given at Workflow level will override the rights given at Drop Point level. However, users having rights at Drop Point level will be allowed to add Workflow Items using Drop Points only. Whereas users having rights at Workflow level will be allowed to add Workflow Items using both Workflow and Drop Point.
Default value for this field would be "Everyone". Please make sure you assign the submit rights to the appropriate users.


4. Enable Profile Field Template: If this option is selected then the values for Profile Field Template set under the Profile Tab of this Drop Point would be automatically populated when new Workflow Items are processed using Add Document, External Saving and Drag & Drop through this Drop Point. You can import/export Profile Field template values only if this option is selected.


5. Who can apply Profile Template Values for Workflow: This option allows you to assign rights to users who can apply Profile Template values. You can add the user using either of two options; From Workflow User and From Workflow Security.



Who can apply Profile Field Template values for Workflow text-box will only get enable if Enable Profile Field Template checkbox is checked.


6. Description of shortcuts to perform few operations on Drop Point using keyboard are available in the bottom of the screen. Click here to know more.



The fields that are marked with * denotes the mandatory fields that must be populated before you can select the Save button.


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