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Home Tab - PaperSave Workflow

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The Home tab has six groups: Filter, Navigation, Review, Operation, Reproduction and Templates.


Click on image to magnify/shrink


Filter Group:


1. Filter:


For Workflow 1.0: You can use this option to filter the documents based on different filters available in the drop down list viz. Workflow Type, Workflow, Queue and Workflow State. Click here to know about Workflow 1.0


For Workflow 2.0: You can use this option to filter the documents based on different filters available in the drop down list viz. Workflow Type, Workflow and Workflow State. Click here to know about Workflow 2.0


2. Refresh: This option is used to refresh the document list of the selected workflow queue.


Navigation Group:


1. Previous Item: This option is used to view the previous document in the document grid. This option is disabled when the first document in the grid is selected.


2. Next Item: This option is used to view the next document in the document grid. This option is disabled when the last document in the grid is selected.


Review Group:


1. Approve: This option is used to approve a document. You can also add a comment by clicking Prompt for Comment button so that an Add Comment to the Approve Event dialog box will be displayed, when a document is approved and then click Submit to approve the document. You can even click the Don't show again option, so that this dialog box will not be displayed in the future while approving a document. When a document is approved, the "Workflow State" of that document is changed to the next state as per the design of the workflow. For example, if the workflow is designed using the "DataEntryWithTwoLevelConditionalApproval" template, then the document needs to be approved twice before going to the "Entered" state.


2. Reject: This option is used to reject a document. You can also add a comment by clicking Prompt for Comment button and the Reject Event dialog box will be displayed, when a document is rejected. Here you can add a comment and click Submit to reject the document. You can even click the Don't show again option, so that this dialog box will not be displayed in the future while rejecting a document. When a document is rejected, the "Workflow State" of that document is changed to "Rejected."



The availability of this option depends on the design of the workflow.


3. Custom Event: The feature is about to support custom events to be handled on workflows other than Approve, Reject or Association. When any custom event is creating on any workflow state and state contains more than three events (Approve, Reject and Custom Event If_else branches), a custom event popup menu button will appear in Review section under Home Section of the Toolbar. The further custom event should display in custom event popup menu button only when the selected/checked Workflow Item(s) are eligible to perform the custom event. It should display each separate button in the custom event popup menu with caption, CFO Review as display name, as well as a large or small image as defined when the workflow was created.



You can view and perform Custom Events on the PaperSave Workflow, Workflow Entry Viewer and Workflow Item Reviewer.
You should see a drop-down list if the total no. of events exceeds 4.


Operation Group:


1. Find: This option is used to search a Keyword in a searchable PDF document. Clicking on Find button will open the Find text-box as displayed below. You can enter the desired keyword that you want to search in the document and hit Enter key. Search result will be highlighted in the document. To navigate to next search result, again hit Enter key or else use "Next" & "Previous" arrow icons available within the Find text-box. You can hit Escape key or click on Cross icon to close the Find Text-box.



You will only be able to view Find button in the ribbon for .pdf file types.
Find functionality will only work only for searchable PDF files.
Instead of clicking on Find button, you can also use Key Board shortcut "CTRL+F" to open the Find text-box and search the desired keyword in the document.


Find Textbox


2. Zoom In: This option will magnify the selected document for better readability.


3. Zoom Out: This option will shrink the display size of the selected document.


4. Rotate Left: This option will rotate the document to the left by 90 degrees.


5. Rotate Right: This option will rotate the document to the right by 90 degrees.


6. Mirror: This option will create a mirror image of the document being displayed.


7. Dynamic Zoom: This option will zoom in/out just by left-clicking the mouse and moving the mouse upward/downward to perform the zoom in/out action on the selected area of the document respectively.


8. Marquee Zoom: This option is used to highlight a certain area of the document being displayed and that highlighted area will be zoomed in for better readability.


9. Actual Size: This option will display the document in its actual display size.


10. Fit Visible: This option will adjust the display of the selected document to fit the screen size.


11. Fit Width: This option will adjust the display of the selected document to fit the width of the screen size.


12. Fit Height: This option will adjust the display of the selected document to fit the height of the screen size.


13. Custom Zoom: This option will zoom in/out of the selected document by selecting the appropriate zoom level from the drop-down list.


Reproduction Group:


1. Print: This option will print the document by selecting the check box or selecting the items from the grids.


2. Save: This option is used to save the current document on the local machine.


3. Email: This option is used to send the current document displayed on the screen through an email as an attachment.


4. Delete: This option is used to delete the current document displayed on the screen.


5. Save Changes: This option is used to save the changes made to the current document.


Templates Group:


1. Apply Template: This option is used to apply Global/Local Templates that are created for that Document profile. When you click on the Apply Template button, a list of the templates created will appear and you can choose from it as per your requirement. If you create more than five templates of the Global Template and Local Template, the More option will appear. When you click More the Global Template and Local Template lists will appear as shown in the below displayed screen.



When you apply template using Apply Template button, values for ONLY those Profile Fields will be populated in the respective field area, whose field visibility property is set as TRUE. However, if the hidden fields are marked as visible using Show Hidden Fields button, in that case values for such fields will also be populated (if exists in the applied template).


Tamplate list


The Global Template list will be shown in grey color.



1. You are allowed to Print, Save, Email, and Delete multiple documents by selecting the appropriate documents from the grid and clicking on the respective options.

2. The "Operations" group appears only when the current open document is of PDF or Image type i.e TIFF, JPG, BMP, etc.