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Licensing Module under General Section will only be visible, if License Key is activated for your PaperSave Application Server.


A software license manager is a license management tool used by end-user organizations to control where and how software products are able to run in order to enforce and ensure compliance with software licenses. It is a legally binding agreement that specifies the terms of use for an application and defines the rights of PaperSave and of the end-user. There are various types of Software Licensing available in the industry, amongst which, PaperSave uses Concurrent Licensing technique to control the software usage.


Concurrent licenses permits you to use the software onto multiple machines as long as the number of computers using the software at the same time does not exceed the number of licenses which you have purchased. Concurrent use licenses prevents the number of licenses from being exceeded.


Under General Section, of PaperSave Settings, you should see a module named Licensing which gives you the ability to track total no. of Concurrent Licenses purchased by you. PaperSave offers a User Type named PaperSave Full User that consists of various PaperSave Entry Points.


PaperSave Full User covers below Entry Points:


PaperSave Settings
Windows Runtime from within Host
PaperSave Desktop
PaperSave Workflow
Windows Document Display/Explorer from URL Endpoint
Windows Workflow Item Viewer from URL Endpoint
Web Runtime from within Host
PaperSave Web
PaperSave Web Workflow
Web Document Display/Explorer from URL Endpoint
Web Workflow Item Viewer from URL Endpoint
External Saving
PaperSave Scan
Windows Add Document from URL Endpoint
Web Add Document from URL Endpoint
PaperSave WebPart
PaperSave Workflow Entry Viewer
PaperSave Auto Entry Wizard
PaperSave Mobile WebClient for Workflow


Licensing Module within PaperSave Settings gives users the ability to track the total number of concurrent Licenses, ‘Used’ vs. ‘Available’. The other way to track PaperSave Concurrent Licenses apart from PaperSave Settings is from PaperSave Start.aspx page. We have introduced “PaperSave Licensing Status” on PaperSave Start.aspx page itself. With this functionality, users will have the ability to track the Licensing Status from the PaperSave Start.aspx page as shown below. Along with tracking licensing status, users will also have the ability to view the list of Active Users who have actively occupied those licenses along with the Entry Point Name and the running instance count. Click on Refresh icon to refresh the Licensing Status.


licensing start.aspx.zoom85
Click on image to magnify/shrink


Clicking on Active Users link opens Active Users pop-up as displayed below. This pop-up window shows you the information like – User Name, Machine IP, License Type, Entry Point, Login Time, and Running Instance Count. Click on Refresh icon to refresh the list of Active Users.


list of active users.zoom75
Click on image to magnify/shrink


You will be able to access various PaperSave Applications, based on the Concurrent License(s) purchased by you.


Incase, if a user is trying to access a PaperSave Application, for which all the Concurrent Licenses are already in use, then you should see below displayed message prompt. Click on OK button to exit the window and contact your PaperSave Administrator for more details.




Moving forward, you will come across below mentioned topics:


1. Active Users


2. Concurrent Licenses


3. Available Licenses


Click on image to magnify/shrink