Note: |
PaperSave Capture is renamed to PaperSave Scan. So the users who are upgrading PaperSave to higher version by installing PaperSave Rollup 6.0 and above, then under such scenario, PaperSave will automatically rename the existing PaperSave Capture type Drop Point by appending "_PaperSaveCapture" as post fix to the Drop Point Name with proper separator type and submission rights. |
Adding PaperSave Scan Drop Point type:
To add a new Drop Point click on Add button. As you click on Add button, right panel of the screen will be enabled. Please refer to the screen displayed at the bottom of the page.
1. DropPoint Name: Enter the name of the drop point in the available textbox.
2. DropPoint Type: Select the Drop Point type as PaperSave Scan from the drop-down list.
3. Separator Type: You need to select Separator Type from the list. There are three Separator Types available in the list, viz. Barcode Separator, Image Separator and File Based Separator.
□ | Barcode Separator: If Barcode Separator option is selected then you need to first print a Barcode coversheet, attach the coversheet at the beginning of the document to be inserted into the Workflow Drop Point, and scan it using PaperSave Scan. |
Note: |
All Drop Point documents that use Barcode Separators must be in TIFF format only. |
□ | Image Separator: If Image Separator option is selected then after adding a document using Workflow, a separate file will be created for each page of the document in the Workflow Drop Point. |
Note: |
You need to make sure that the value specified for Image Separator should be between 1-999 only. |
□ | File Based Separator: When File Based Separator option is selected then the Workflow Drop Point will process each document entry as a single entry in the Workflow Drop Point. |
4. Output Setting: This option will be displayed for all the three separator types. Output Settings drop-down will allow you to select the output type of the tiff files whether it should be converted into PDF or Searchable PDF for the selected Drop Point.
5. Who can Submit: This option allows you to assign rights to users who can view and/or submit items from PaperSave Scan for the respective drop points. You can select the user using either of two options; From Workflow User and From Workflow Security. Click here to know more about Workflow User. Click here to know how to add users/groups using Workflow User and Workflow Security.
Note: |
6. Based on the selected Separator Type, you will be able to view different options in the available panel.
□ | Modify Barcode Expression: This option will be displayed only if the Separator Type is set as Barcode Separator. Default Barcode Expression is available in the respective textbox. If you want to modify the Barcode Expression then you need to select the option and modify it as per your requirement. |
Note: |
You will be allowed to modify the Barcode Expression for the first time while adding a new drop point. Once you have saved the drop point and thereafter if you edit the drop point then system will not allow you to modify Barcode Expression. |
□ | Keep CoverPage: This option will be displayed only if the Separator Type is set as Barcode Separator. If Keep CoverPage checkbox is checked then CoverPage will be attached while the items are processed. If Keep CoverPage checkbox is not checked then CoverPage will not be attached while the items are processed. |
□ | Enable Profile Field Template: This option will be displayed for all the three Separator Types. If this option is selected then Profile Field Template set in the Profile Tab of this Drop Point would be automatically be populated when new Workflow Items are processed from PaperSave Scan through this Drop Point. You can import/export Profile Field template values only if this option is selected. |
□ | Page to Separator On: This option will be displayed only if the Separator Type is set as ImagePageSeparator. If this option is selected then a new file in the Workflow drop points will be created after the number of pages that has been specified in the available textbox. |
7. Who can Edit Profile Template Values within PaperSave Scan: This option allows you to assign rights to users who can edit Profile Template values within PaperSave Scan. You can select the user using either of two options; From Workflow User and From Workflow Security.
After entering all the necessary inputs, click Save available in the ribbon to save the respective Drop point.
8. Description of shortcuts to perform few Drop Point operations using keyboard are available in the bottom of the screen. Click here to know more.
Note: |
The fields that are marked with * denotes the mandatory fields that must be populated before you can select the Save button. |