Description of various panels available in the form is as follows:
1. Ribbon: This section provides various options to perform different tasks.
2. Workflow Toolbox: This section displays all the activities and events that can be used for designing the Workflow.
3. State Machine Workflow: This section is the area where you create the Workflow.
4. Properties: This section displays the properties of the events and activities used in designing the Workflow.
Workflow Design Ribbon Options:
Workflow Group Options:
1. Add Workflow: This option allows you to add a new Workflow.
2. Edit Workflow: This option allows you to edit the saved Workflow design.
3. Save Workflow: This option allows you to save the designed Workflow.
4. Delete Workflow: This option allows you to delete the designed Workflow. You can only delete a Workflow that is in an unpublished state.
5. Publish Workflow: This option allows you to publish the designed Workflow.
6. Unpublish Workflow: This option allows you to unpublish the designed Workflow.
7. Compile Workflow: This option allows you to Compile the designed Workflow.
8. Design Workflow: This option is used to open the Workflow Designer screen.
9. Workflow Templates: This option allows you to use pre-defined Workflow designs, click here for more details.
10. Restore Workflow: This option allows you to restore a designed Workflow.
11. Load Workflow From File: This option allows you to override saved Workflow designs into a PSPW format file only for the same Workflow. Click here to know more about Load Workflow From File.
Note: |
While Loading a Workflow from file, you need to make sure that you only import Workflow 2.0 design into Workflow 2.0. PaperSave does not support importing a workflow 1.0 design into Workflow 2.0 and vice versa. |
12. Save Workflow To File: This option allows you to save Workflow designs to a file. Click here to know more about Save Workflow To File.
13. Close Designer: This option allows you to close the Designer Workflow window.
14. Drop Points: This option allows you to create Drop Points. Click here to know more about Drop Points.
Workflow Field Group: Click here to get detailed description on Workflow Field
1. Add Field: This option allows you to add new Workflow Field for the selected Workflow.
2. Edit Field: This option allows you to edit the existing Workflow Field.
3. Save/Update Field: This option allows you to save/update the Workflow Field.
4. Add Lookup: This option allows you to set a Workflow Field that uses a query to perform a lookup operation and fetch the values from the database.
5. Delete Field: This option allows you to delete the selected Workflow Field.
6. Cancel Field: This option allows you to cancel the current action being performed on the Workflow Field.
Workflow Parameter Group:
1. Define Workflow Parameters: This option allows you to define the Workflow parameter which you can use in the Workflow design under the IfElseActivity, script activity, pre and post Event, using Parameters ["Parameter Name"]. Click here to know more about Define Workflow Parameters.
2. Step-Wise Workflow Parameters: This option allows you to set State-Wise Workflow Parameters. Click here to know more about State-Wise Workflow Parameters.
3. Approver & Step-Wise Workflow Parameter: This option allows you to set Approver and State-Wise Workflow Parameters. Click here to know more about Approver and State-Wise Workflow Parameters.