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Workflow Super User

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A new feature named Workflow Super User has been introduced for both Workflow1.0 and Workflow2.0 in PaperSave 5.2. In the older version of PaperSave it was not possible to view and process the Workflow items that has been corrupted due to any error. But now in the new version of PaperSave, it is possible to view and process the Workflow Items that have been corrupted due to some errors.


With PaperSave 5.2, a normal Workflow User will be able to view the corrupted Workflow Items in red color in the Workflow Item grid but the user will not be able to process the respective corrupted Workflow Item. Whereas the Workflow User who has been made a Super User will be able to view and even process those items that are corrupted due to below mentioned two reasons:


First reason could be that Current Step of the Workflow item has not been assigned or it has been set to NULL in database due to an error and,
Second reason could be that Current Owner of the Workflow item has not been assigned or it has been set to NULL in database due to an error.


Corrupted Workflow items due to the above mentioned two reasons, will be displayed in Red color to the Workflow Super User when the user logs into PaperSave Workflow Window. Moreover, a normal user will not be able to view any options for processing the corrupted items whereas a Super User will be able to view different options for processing the corrupted items based on the selected Workflow Type.



You can set a Workflow Super User while adding or editing a Workflow User. Refer Add Workflow User section for more details.
The Workflow User that has been made a Workflow Super User will become an Administrator User for Workflow 2.0 and Queue Administrator for Workflow 1.0.
To view the corrupted workflow items, you need to make sure that no filter is set under Filter option and View My Items option is not selected.


For Workflow 1.0:


In the Document Display Pane user will be able to view the hyperlink to the document for the selected Workflow Item. User can click on hyperlink to view the document. Moreover user will be able to view the reason due to which the Workflow Item is corrupted and two options viz. Change State and Change Queue to repair the item. User can also right click on the corrupted Workflow items which are displayed in Red color to view these two options. Description of both the options is mentioned below:


1. Change State: You can select Change State option to change the State of the corrupted workflow item. As you select Change State option, Select Workflow States window will open. You are allowed to select the desired State and move it to the respective state.


2. Change Queue: You can select Change Queue option to change the queue of the corrupted workflow item. As you select Change Queue option, Select PaperSave Workflow window will open. You are allowed to select the desired PaperSave Workflow and move it to the respective PaperSave Workflow.



Workflow Super User can perform the above mentioned actions on a corrupted workflow item only and they will not be allowed to perform any action on the processed workflow items.


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For Workflow 2.0:


In the Document Display Pane user will be able to view the hyperlink to the document for the selected Workflow Item. User can click on hyperlink to view the document. Moreover user will be able to view the reason due to which the Workflow Item is corrupted and three options viz. Change Step, Change Owner and Change Workflow to repair the item. User can also right click on the corrupted Workflow items which are displayed in Red color to view these three options. Description of all the options is mentioned below:


1. Change Step: You can select Change Step option to change the step of the corrupted workflow item. As you select Change Step option, Select Workflow Steps window will open. You are allowed to select the desired Workflow Step and move it to the respective workflow step.


2. Change Owner: You can select Change Owner option to change the owner of the corrupted workflow item. As you select Change Owner option, Lookup Workflow Users window will open. You are allowed to select desired Workflow User and move it to the respective workflow user.


3. Change Workflow: You can select Change Workflow option to change the workflow of the corrupted workflow item. As you select Change Workflow option, Select PaperSave Workflow window will open. You are allowed to select the desired PaperSave Workflow and move it to the respective PaperSave Workflow.



Workflow Super User can only perform the above mentioned actions on a corrupted workflow item but they will not be allowed to perform any action on the processed workflow items.


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