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Out of Office

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PaperSave gives you the facility to set Out of Office details for the selected Workflow User. You can set Out of Office details while adding or editing a Workflow User. You need to follow below given steps to set Out of Office details.



Out of Office feature is only applicable for Workflow 2.0.


1. Out of Office: To set Out of Office details, you need to select Out of Office option. As you select Out of Office option, available options for Out of Office will be enabled.


2. Returning: Here you need to set the returning date on which you will be back to the office.



As soon as the time period set for Out of Office gets completed, system will automatically update the users's status from Out of Office to Normal.


3. Ownership To: Here you can select the name of the PaperSave Workflow User from the list to whom you want to assign the ownership during the period you are out of office.



You will be able to view all the Workflow Users under Ownership To drop-down list even if the specific user is already Out of Office. But the Workflow Users that are already Out of Office will be displayed in Red color while you expand Ownership To drop-down list.
Incase, if a multilevel chain of Out of Office Workflow Users is created, then while the Workflow Item is forwarded to that Out of Office Workflow User, Workflow Item may get corrupted and will be displayed in Red color. In this scenario, only the Workflow Super User or Workflow Administrator has the rights to process the corrupted Workflow Items. Moreover, an email notification regarding the corrupted Workflow Items with the error details will be send to Diagnostic Email ID that you have set under Email Notifications section.
If Workflow Items exist for the Workflow User who is going Out of Office then while updating the Out of Office details for that Workflow User, PaperSave will prompt below displayed message asking you that "Do you want all Items that Soldev\Administrator (Workflow User Name) currently owns to be forwarded to the designated Out of Office Owner?". To forward all the Workflow Items to the designated Out of Office Owner click Yes or else click No and exit the screen.


Out of office message



4. Out of Office Message: You are allowed to type your out of office message in the available textbox.


out of office.zoom75
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