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Workflow User

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Workflow Users can be used to configure security settings at various levels. PaperSave allows you to make Windows Domain Users as PaperSave Workflow Users wherein they can associate an Alias Name, Notification Style and Profile Picture. You can create Workflow Users by clicking on Workflow User option available under Workflows Section on PaperSave Settings Screen. Click here to get more details on Workflow User.


When you select Workflow User option from Run Time System Tray, below displayed window will open. You will be able to view Workflow User details of currently logged-in user. You are allowed to modify details like Email Address, Notification Style, Profile Picture and Out of Office details. Once you have done all the necessary modifications, click Update button to update the Workflow User details. You are also allowed to delete the current Workflow User by clicking Delete button. Click Close to close the window.



You will not be allowed to delete the Workflow User under below mentioned 2 scenarios:


If the Workflow User currently owns Workflow Items.
Or if the Workflow User owns the ownership of items that are being forwarded to the User who is Out of Office.


workflow user_run time.zoom80
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