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Microsoft Office Integration

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PaperSave gives you the ability to seamlessly add the PowerPoint®, Word® or Excel® document that you have received or created, to a record or enter it into the Workflow from your tool bar.


Once you have integrated PaperSave with Microsoft Office, you have the ability to add document from a Microsoft Office application very easily. You should see Add Document option under Home toolbar as displayed below:


ms office home tab.zoom70
Click on image to magnify/shrink


Below are the steps to add document to PaperSave from Microsoft Office Application:


1. Open Microsoft office Application supported by PaperSave.


2. Under Home tab, you should see Add Document option. Click on Add Document option.


3. Add Document option will expand as displayed in below screen. If you have already added some records, Drop Points/Workflow Queues, then its history will be displayed in the drop-down list. You can select More option to find a new record and add the respective document.



Last three Electronic Submission Drop Point types will be remembered under the history panel.




4. As you will select More, Choose the Record to associate to window will open as displayed below. Now you need to select appropriate Transaction Type for the Host Application i.e. Student Information System Application from the left panel of the screen. Then click Show all Records button on the toolbar to view all the records fore the selected Transaction Type. Select the Record from the available list and click Select button.



You have the facility to add the document directly to the Workflow from Choose the Record to associate to window by selecting the Drop Point or Workflow Queue whichever is applicable based on the Workflow Type. Click here to get more details on how to add document to create Workflow Item.


Click on image to magnify/shrink


5. Once you click Select, Add A New PaperSave Document for the selected Transaction Type window will open. You can select the Drop Point or Workflow Queue under Submit to Workflow group. Then click Save and Exit button to save the current document and exit the window. Or else click Save and New button to save the current document and continue adding new document to the same Transaction Type.


add new doc_2.zoom70
Click on image to magnify/shrink


7. Once you save the document, below displayed confirmation message will open. Click OK to exit the window.



Below confirmation message will be displayed on your screen only if Show Save Confirmation checkbox is checked under Options tab of Add a New PaperSave Document window.