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Adding Documents

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Documents contain vital information that drive our business operations. They come to us in many forms: Paper and electronic. We also create documents through Microsoft Office, Outlook and our ERP / CRM solutions such as AP Checks, PO Forms, Delivery tickets, Bill of Landings and the list goes on.


PaperSave delivers the flexibility of being able to capture documents through our 9 capture methods allowing you to work the way that you do to become more efficient while giving you the peace of mind by having a Paperless Office protected from theft, fraud and disasters!


Following table talks about different methods of capturing the documents to PaperSave. To view detailed steps for each method, click on respective method:


Scanned Images


Scan Documents directly to records right from the desktop. One click!


Scan documents in stacks and let PaperSave do the work. PaperSave will read the ScanLater barcode and automatically match the physical document to the corresponding record or transaction.

Create Workflow Item (Previously known as ScanFirst)

Enter transactions directly from an image within a Workflow Queue. PaperSave automatically attaches the original image to the transaction and eliminates all of the time needed to file a paper document!

Electronic Documents

Outlook Integration

Capture email and attachments and seamlessly enter them into a Workflow or associate with an existing record in the system. All from a click of your tool bar within Outlook.

Microsoft Office Integration

Whether it is a PowerPoint®, Word® or Excel® document you’ve received or created, seamlessly add it to a record or enter it into the Workflow from your tool bar.

Drag & Drop

"Grab" a document from Outlook, File Manager, Desktop, etc. and Drop it into PaperSave or the Workflow to automatically associate with the record or transaction.

File Management (External Saving)

Simply right click from any supported file type and be able to add document seamlessly into PaperSave.

Attach a Document

Browser out to your computer or a network folder to grab a copy of a document.

PaperSave Printer

Print any document to PaperSave and associate that document with a host application record or create the document within a PaperSave standalone Document Type.


While adding documents to PaperSave using any of the above methods, please make sure to add only those file formats that are supported by PaperSave. List of Supported File Formats by PaperSave can be availed from here. List of NOT Supported File Formats by PaperSave can be availed from here. We also support add/show of password protected PDF files within PaperSave.



To enable you to add documents with special characters the configuration value "EnableSpecialCharacterReplacement" should be set to True or False. Click here to know more about Configuration section. If the value is set to True, PaperSave will convert special characters to normal characters and if the value is set to False, the characters will not get converted to normal characters. Following are the special characters supported by PaperSave:


À à Â â Ç ç É é È è Ê ê Ë ë Î î Ï ï Ô ô Ù ù Û û Ü ü Ÿ ÿ É Ö Ñ Á È Ä È


PaperSave allows you to copy documents directly from one document explorer to another document explorer by just dragging and dropping. To copy documents from one explorer to another, you have to select the documents only and not the check boxes. (Use ctrl for random selection and use shift for sequential selection.)



If the source document type has one or more fields but the destination document type does not, the documents should be moved without the profile fields.
While running Host Application in an elevated mode (Run as Administrator), if you are unable to Drag & Drop the files in Add Document window then you need to follow below given steps:
Right click on Host Application icon>> Select “Properties”>> Select “Compatibility” tab and then you need to uncheck “Run this program as an Administrator” option and then start the application and continue adding the documents.