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Drag and Drop

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Drag and Drop functionality has made the process of adding documents to PaperSave much more easy and simple. Simply "Grab" a document from Outlook, File Manager, Desktop, etc. and "Drop" it into PaperSave or the Workflow to automatically associate with the record or transaction.


Adding documents to PaperSave using "Drag and Drop" is possible from following user interfaces:


PaperSave Workflow


PaperSave Workflow Entry Viewer


PaperSave Document Explorer


Add New PaperSave Document


Let us understand Drag & Drop functionality with an example narrated below:


1. Open Add New PaperSave Document window. Drag the document from a location and drop it in this interface.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink


2. As soon as you drop the document in this interface, you should see the document in the document display area as displayed in the following image. If the selected document is Searchable PDF, then PaperSave gives you the ability to select and copy the text using ctrl+c and paste it. You can record the Profile Field values under Document Profile pane on the right side of the window. You will be able to view Submit to Workflow group in the toolbar (if Workflow exists for the selected Transaction Type). Select the Drop Point/ Workflow Queue from the drop-down list. Thereafter if you wish to add another document then click Save and New button or else click Save and Exit button to save the current document and exit the window. To know about other options available in the ribbon, click here.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink