The options available under PaperSave Scan tab are discussed below.
Actions Group:
1. Post To: You can expand the drop-down list and select the Post To option viz, Scan Later, Workflow and Queue.
• | Scan Later: This option allows you adding documents directly to Scan Later Directory/ Watch Folder. Click here to know about Scanner Recommendation. |
• | Queue: This option allows you to select the Queue for which you want to add a document. (For Workflow 1.0 using Queues) |
Note: |
Here the user will be able to view only those Workflow Queues for which either of the below mentioned three conditions gets satisfied:
• | Workflow: This option allows you to select the Workflow for which you want to add a document. (For Workflow 2.0 using Drop Points) |
Note: |
Here the user will be able to view only those Workflows for which either of the below mentioned three conditions gets satisfied:
2. Add From Scanner: This option allows you to add the files from Scanner.
3. Add From File: This option allows you to add the files from the local path of your machine.
4. Submit: This option allows you to submit the selected items.
5. Remove Selected: This option allows you to remove the selected stack.
6. Add Separator: This option allows you to add a separator between two items using Before Item or After Item.
7. Relate to Host Record: This option allows you to attach the documents to a Host Record. This is useful when you want to attach an entire document to single or multiple Host Records or workflow queues.
8. Reset All: This option is used to reset all the details and window will completely become blank.
Imaging Group:
1. Zoom In: This option is used to magnify the selected document for better readability.
2. Zoom Out: This option is used to shrink the magnified display of the selected document.
3. Rotate Left: This option is used to rotate the document to the left by 90 degrees. You are allowed to rotate pages before you post or associate with a Host Record.
4. Rotate Right: This option is used to rotate the document to the right by 90 degrees. You are allowed to rotate pages before you post or associate with a Host Record.
5. Dynamic Zoom: This option is used to zoom in/out just by left-clicking the mouse and moving the mouse upward/downward to perform the zoom in/out action on the selected area of the document respectively.
6. Marquee Zoom: This option is used to highlight a certain area of the document being displayed and that highlighted area will be zoomed in for better readability.
7. Actual Size: This option will display the document in its actual display size.
8. Fit Visible: This option will adjust the display of the selected document to fit the screen size.
9. Fit Width: This option will adjust the display of the selected document to fit the width of the screen size.
10. Fit Height: This option will adjust the display of the selected document to fit the height of the screen size.
11. Keep Same Zoom Level: This option is used to keep the zoom level the same while navigating through the different pages of the document.