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Advanced Search

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Advanced Search


In this search, you can search for documents for a specific Module, Transaction Type and Document Type by selecting various properties of the selected Module, Transaction Type and Document Type. You can choose various operators and even group more than one search criteria.



You are allowed to search documents based on content of the document. You can select 'Document Content' under Search Field column then set the criteria to either Contains or Does Not Contain and enter the appropriate search value. To enable search based on content of Document, you need to make sure that Full Text Search and iFilters are installed on your machine. Click here to know more on Full Text Search.
You should see an error message, if incase you have used restricted special characters in your search. Click here to get the list of restricted special characters that cannot be used with quotes, without quotes and words without space while searching content stored in PaperSave Database using Full Text Search.
Besides the restricted special characters, using of "+" and "-" search operators are also prohibited for Advanced Search.


To perform an advanced search follow below given steps:


1. In the Document Search window, click on the Advanced Search tab.


2. Select the appropriate Host Application, Module, Transaction Type from the drop-down list and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-down list, if required.



Please take a note that you will be able to view only those Document Types in the drop-down list for which you have the view rights. Please refer Document Security section for more details.


3. Click Add Filter button.


4. Filters Panel will be displayed. Select the appropriate search criteria's from the drop-down list and click GO.



To add more filters, you can either click Add Filter button or '+' icon and to delete the filters you can click on Clear Filters button to 'X' icon.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink


5. As you will click GO, all the records based on your search criteria will be available in the bottom panel as displayed in below screen. The search result shows the columns for Profile Fields (if exists) and Workflow Fields (if exists) for all the Workflow Items retrieved during the search operation.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink