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Deploying SSRS Reports on PaperSave On-Premise

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Pre-Requisites to be followed before deploying SSRS Reports:


1. Before you start deploying SSRS Reports, you need to make sure that the user who is responsible for deploying Reports to SSRS, will need to have System Administrator role on Site Level and Content Manager role on Folder Level. However, if the user who is supposed to deploy reports is local administrator or domain administrator then there is no need to assign these roles to that user. But if the user in not an administrator then he/she need to have the required rights explicitly from Report Manager. Click here to get the steps for Role Assignment.


2. Please make sure to follow the steps described in KBA 4281 before proceeding with the deployment steps or else you may see following error while deploying the SSRS Reports.


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You need to follow below given steps for deploying reports for the first time:


1. You should see Reports module under General section in PaperSave Settings window. Selecting Reports module (for the first time) will open below displayed window. You need to click Deploy button to deploy the reports using Report Server Web Service URL.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink



Please take a note that while deploying the SSRS Reports, you may see the following prompt if the user trying to deploy the SSRS Reports does not have the required rights. Hence, you need to provide the credentials of the user who has the rights on Report Server and click on Login button.


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2. Report Server Web Service URL window will open. You need to enter Web Service URL in the available text-box and click OK. Click here to know how to get Report Server Web Service URL.


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3. Wait till the reports gets downloaded.


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4. SQL Connection Prompt will be displayed and you will be asked to enter your SQL credentials. Enter your SQL User Name and Password and click on OK to continue.


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5. Once the reports are downloaded, you should see the list of reports in the left panel of the screen.


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Click on image to magnify/shrink