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Document Explorer Tab

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The PaperSave Document Explorer Ribbon provides various options for managing the documents. All the options are discussed below.


22. doc explorer toolbar.zoom70
Click on image to magnify/shrink


Document Operations Group:


1. Add Document(s): This option allows you to add new documents to the selected Document Type. Clicking on this option, you will directed to Add A New PaperSave Document window. Click here to know more.


2. Open Selected: This option allows you to open the selected document(s) in Document Display window. Click here to know more about Document Display window.


3. Delete Selected: This option allows you to delete the selected document(s).


4. Show Associated Documents: This option allows you to view all the associated documents of the selected record. Clicking this option will open Multiple Document Explorer window. Click here to know more about Multiple Document Explorer window.


5. Regenerate CoverSheet: This option allows you to regenerate a new barcode coversheet for the selected TIFF document.


6. Refresh: This option allows you to refresh the list of documents displayed in the grid.


Reproduction Group:


1. Print: This option allows you to print the selected document(s).



You will be asked to install PaperSave Print Helper if you are using Print functionality for the first time from PaperSave Web Client.


2. Save: This option allows you to save the selected document(s) on your local machine.


3. Email: This option is used to send the selected document(s) with an email as an attachment.


3.1 eMail Link: This option will allow you to email the URL of the current window to the desired user.



You will be asked to install PaperSave Email Helper if you are using Email functionality for the first time from PaperSave Web Client.


Version Control Group:


1. Check In: This option is used to save the changes made to the selected document. You can check-in only those documents that are checked-out or are checked-in for the first time after being added. Clicking Check In button will open below displayed window. You need to select version type with which you would like to check-in the selected document. Versioning the documents as minor or major would facilitate you to track the type of changes made to the document. Moreover, you can add the Version Comments in the available text-box for your reference. Then click OK to check-in the document.




You should see below successful message once the document is checked in successfully. Click OK to exit the window.




2. Check Out: This option will check-out the selected document, which will enable you to make changes to the document. You need to check-out the document to make any changes. Clicking Check Out button will show you below displayed successful message.




3. Undo Checkout: This option will undo all the changes made to the document after the latest check-out was made to the document and revert back to the prior version of the document. Clicking Undo Checkout button will show you below displayed successful message.




4. Show History: This option will display the history of check-in operations made to the selected document. You should see check in details like Version of the document, Name of the User who made the check in and Last modification time. You also have the ability to view the document by clicking View. You can click Restore, if you wish to revert back to the selected version of the document. System will take your confirmation before restoring the document.



You need to make sure that the document which needs to be restored is checked out before you click Restore. Or else you will see below displayed message asking you to Check out the document. Click Yes to continue.


restore message-web



Version History-web